Updated: 2012-11-27 17:46:49
    Now, we cardiologists had a bright idea.  The reason that angioplasty was not better than bypass surgery was that we were comparing apples to oranges.  The reasoning went that if we compared “like” patients that angioplasty would be superior. So, off we went to do another study. This one in named SYNTAX. SYNTAX stands for [...]

  • High Cholesterol Smoking Arteries Plaque

    Updated: 2012-11-26 15:56:16
    High Cholesterol Arteries QUESTION What does high cholesterol do to arteries ANSWER Hi , there The reason why you have to find a way to lower high-cholesterol level is because of the fact that it damages the arteries . You have to know that having high-cholesterol concentration in your blood leads to its accumulation inside and outside the blood vessels’ . wall The accumulation of cholesterol molecules is a complex process . However , you have to know that when cholesterol enters inside the wall of the blood vessel , an inflammation begins as a results of accumulation of cholesterol molecule where it should not . be During this inflammation , a lot things can happen but there are generally , two major consequences of this inflammation : The first one is the hardening of the arteries and

  • PCSK9 shows benefit in cholesterol lowering

    Updated: 2012-11-25 22:32:54
    TweetDespite the potency of high dose statins, many patients fail to reach targets for LDL cholesterol reduction.  Whilst the addition of a second agent such as niacin or ezetemibe results in an additional 10-20% reduction in cholesterol, there remains an unmet need for more potent therapies.  Serum proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9) binds to low-density [...]

  • Fish Oils Don’t Decrease Post-Op AF

    Updated: 2012-11-25 22:32:18
    TweetBoth clinical and experimental evidence have suggested an anti-arrhythmic effect of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3-PUFAs) in fish oil.  However, the effect of n-3-PUFAs on atrial arrhythmias such as postoperative atrial fibrillation (AF) remain uncertain.  The Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Prevention of Post-operative Atrial Fibrillation (OPERA) trial was designed to test whether perioperative n-3-PUFA [...]

  • FREEDOM (Part II)

    Updated: 2012-11-22 17:45:05
    Cardiologists did not get the answer that we wanted the first time. In fact, even worse, we found that we were actually quite misinformed about what we were doing to patients, especially those with diabetes. Why is that so important? A few factoids from the BARI 2D site More than 24 million people in the [...]

  • Public Reporting of PCI Outcomes

    Updated: 2012-11-21 22:33:03
    TweetPublic reporting of outcomes is designed to motivate clinicians to improve performance, and allow patients to choose high quality hospitals. However, it has also been proposed that these measures prevent physicians from undertaking high-risk cases. The purpose of this study was to determine whether public reporting for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is associated with lower [...]

  • Freedom (Part I)

    Updated: 2012-11-20 14:36:01
    Thomas Jefferson once said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”  Is the same thing true of patients?  Must we physicians do the same work over and over again while we use “the blood of our patients” to prove a point which is known [...]

  • Cholesterol Hdl Ldl Blog

    Updated: 2012-11-16 14:05:22
    Cholesterol Hdl Ldl Blog Cholesterol hdl ldl blog is my e-journal about Beating Diabetes Naturally . It . lets you know whenever any new Web pages appear on Cholesterol-hdl-ldl.com blog website , revealing you the latest news on hdl good cholesterol and ldl bad cholesterol To subscribe to my Cholesterol hdl ldl blog( no e-mail necessary right-click on orange RSS button see bottom buttons to the left and then paste the URL into you RSS reader . Or click on My Yahoo button or My Msn or Add to Google button if you keep a personalized home page there . If you are not sure what RSS and blogging is all about , click here . What's an RSS Feed Once you start you will be surprised at what RSS can do . Nov 14, 2012 My Lipid Test Results QUESTION : Hi , 2012 September 02 today i chick my lipid

  • Vindication

    Updated: 2012-11-15 16:18:00
    One more urban legend dies.  Since I have been practicing cardiology, now 25 years, I have championed the process of drawing random lipid panels.  The lipid panel is the most important non invasive test I have.  Most of my patients have coronary artery disease or some other manifestation of cholesterol damage.  The guidelines are now [...]

  • My Lipid Test Results

    Updated: 2012-11-14 16:26:07
    My Lipid Test Results by Kasun QUESTION Hi , 2012 September 02 today i chick my lipid test.these are . result total cholesterol 150 mg dl hdl cholesterol 40.1 mg dl ldl cholesterol(calculated 63.9 mg dl triglycerides 230 mg dl cho hdl 3.74 mg dl I'm male . How is my health heart desease . Please help . me akpkasun gmail.com ANSWER Hi , Kasun The problem I see in your lipid test results is related to high triglycerides TG The normal triglyceride levels are less than 150 mg dL . As you may see , your TG levels are higher 230 I could give some suggestions regarding the causes of high TG Once you know the causes , you would also think about solutions together with your doctor : The first one could be that you did not fast when taking the results . Or , perhaps you had a very rich dinner the

  • From bad to worse (Part III)

    Updated: 2012-11-13 20:46:27
    So we have a conundrum.  Which is better: utilizing a new drug that works all the time and is easy to use but has a major drawback or an old drug that does not have the drawback but is impossible to use?   The answer is, “Who knows?”  I will  lay out the facts. As I [...]

  • From Bad to Worse (Part II)

    Updated: 2012-11-08 18:32:07
    Pradaxa is once again in the news.  Two very different stories about the drug were published on November 2, 2012.  The first was published in the New York Times, written by Katie Thomas and is entitled “A Promising Drug With a Flaw.”  The second is a FDA Drug Safety Communication regarding Pradaxa. The FDA undertook [...]

  • Benefits of beta-blockade in stable coronary disease may be overestimated

    Updated: 2012-11-08 15:44:27
    TweetWhile the benefits of beta-blockade following myocardial infarction (MI) are well known, these benefits have been extrapolated to all patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), and even to high risk patients without coronary artery disease. However, beta-blockers also have a number of side effects and their tolerability is not ideal. Therefore, the objective of this [...]

  • Does good glycaemic control benefit children after cardiac surgery?

    Updated: 2012-11-08 15:39:50
    TweetThe benefit of tight glycaemic control in the post-operative setting has come under increasing scrutiny of late. Initial small scale studies suggesting large clinical benefits have been followed by much larger multi-centre trials demonstrating neutral or even harmful effects of tight blood sugar control, with most investigators pointing towards the high occurrence of hypoglycaemia as [...]

  • Biomarker screening in primary prevention

    Updated: 2012-11-08 15:36:07
    TweetRisk prediction models are widely used in primary care to identify and initiate therapy in those at risk for future cardiovascular events. While conventional risk factors such as smoking and hypertension are reliably and robustly represented in these models, the value of newer emerging biomarkers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen are of uncertain [...]

  • Banana Cheese Butter Bad Cholesterol

    Updated: 2012-11-07 10:52:56
    , Banana , Cheese Butter Bad Cholesterol QUESTION Is banana having high in bad cholesterol Are cheese and butter bad for your cholesterol ANSWER Hi , there It is very good that you are trying to create the perfect healthy diet for you . It is true that some of the products on the market do not really show their real concentration of cholesterol , sugar , proteins and other . nutrients Please pay attention that the banana is a fruit , which means that no matter the cholesterol load , it will no harm your lipid status . Important fact is that all the fruits and vegetables do not contain cholesterol , therefore they do not harm your organism and their consumption will not lead to atherosclerosis development Regarding the cholesterol banana load , you have to know that it does not contain

  • From bad to worse (Part I)

    Updated: 2012-11-06 13:41:51
    I have blogged recently about the disaster of contaminated drugs and about Pradaxa; both topics remain in the news. First, the contaminated drugs: this event is nothing short of a disaster. The company New England Compounding Center and its sister company, Ameridose, are both shut down. When the FDA tested 50 vials from one of [...]

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